An artificial contrivance is a manufactured problem, one that wouldn't even occur if everyone just sat round a table and had a good old-fashioned chinwag. Ever heard of it? The makers of this film certainly have. They also seem to have mastered the hugely original plot formulas of such as Falling In Love With Your Best Friend and The Girl You Adore Walking In On You With Someone Else And Getting The Wrong Idea. Smart guys, those writers.
Maybe it's because I can't see the appeal of those bug-eyed little bed-wetters, but I couldn't understand the point of this film. The main couple were cute, and it rumbles along quite nicely, but aside from the predictable to a tee developments, who could make a decision like having a child in just a few short weeks? Certainly not the irresponsible, party animal main character, and DEFINITELY not his mate-soon-to-be-shagging-partner, who is staunchly against the whole idea... Until she sees a few bald ankle-biters in her lobby. Yup.
Basically I don't have much time for films I feel weren't made with much care and intelligence. This is one of them. That's it. 5/10