I can't remember the last time I watched a college comedy; after this, I don't know when or why I'll watch one again. The clear talent of the stars in terms of both acting and singing, and a few kernels of wit, are counterbalanced by obnoxious, juvenile humor and tropes and cliches galore. On even just a basic level I admire the songwriting capabilities herein; would that they weren't wasted on material this thin, and too often puerile. Wardrobe, hair, and makeup work are terrific; imagine a world in which they were employed in a better movie. 'College musical' effectively comes across as another entry in the 'American pie' franchise, only with a(n infinitesimal) tad more heart than most of its brethren.
It's a shame, because I do appreciate the work that was put into this feature, and in at least some measure I feel bad being especially critical. Bryan Capri's editing and sequencing is notably tight, and Kurt Hugo Schneider's direction. The cast give their all in a title that does not require it, Allison Williams in particular. Dubious as the writing is in many regards - including definite ableist overtones - nothing here is sloppy or accidental, and the narrative is complete as it is, with some actual good ideas. Only, in the Venn diagram comparing the musical crowd with the stereotypical college comedy crowd, I personally have a hard time imagining that there's much overlap. And above all, for whatever sincerity and true value one may find in 'College musical,' it's weighed down by a preponderance of overbearing convention and inanity.
It's hard not to think that the ensemble altogether degraded themselves by appearing here. At least it doesn't go so low as tawdry gay jokes.
I'm not sure why I expected anything different or better. When all is said and done, this is exactly what one should assume from the outset. To be fair, it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not - but what is 'College musical,' if not wholly unremarkable? Unless you're a diehard fan of someone involved I can't discern any major reason to seek this out, and even then, I hope you're prepared for writing that's generally as banal as it is boorish. You could do a lot worse, sure, but I'm unsure why you should bother at all.