This movie is a hidden gem that is well-directed, animated, straightforward and beautiful story and dialogues. The story begins beautifully with the introduction of a new transfer student, a girl named Anzu Hanashiro. She quickly forms a bond with the main character, Kaoru Tono, and the two of them develop a close friendship.
The animation and scenery are top-notch, creating a truly atmospheric and immersive experience. The characters are also lovable and easy to get attached to, making the story even more engaging.
The movie is heartfelt and will make you feel a range of emotions, from sadness to happiness. The gloomy environment and the characters' struggles will tug at your heartstrings, but there are also moments of joy and hope that will leave you feeling uplifted.
Overall, this is a beautiful and moving film that is sure to stay with you long after you watch it. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys animated movies with strong emotional stories like kiminonawa, koenokatachi, etc.