This is a briskly paced and suspenseful crime drama. The characters are all personalities with whom we can identify. They are all forced by their various life circumstances to make some choices for their immediate futures. Some of these choices are of the spur of the moment mistake category and others,though more well thought out,are rather ill advised. We see,through the course of the film,how these choices shape the lives of the characters. As it turns out,the boundaries of the lives of the participants in this thriller intersect in significant and surprising ways. There is crisp direction throughout this work. The cinematography and editing are top notch. Take note of the fine choices made for the music included in the film. The dramatic tension in the film is skillfully heightened by the occasional use of film coloration and speed alterations. We should expect more fine work in the future from Keith Apland,Jon Myer,Drew Hicks,Jeremy Benjamin and the rest of the cast and crew!