Going into Kandahar Break, I was not too sure what to expect, but coming out of the film, it's clear to say what the film is. It's a harsh look at the realities of a giant culture clash. Its a drama, centred around a love story, set in Afghanistan.
The characters are really solid in this film, Shaun Dooley who plays Richard Lee, a clearance engineer who returns to Afghanistan shortly after he death of his ex-wife in Africa, is really something special. He comes across as something of a excellent TV actor, with leading man qualities, its going to be nice to see him do some interesting roles in the future. Dean Andrews plays the other British citizen in the film, Steve Delamore, who almost steals each scene he is in.
The other actors, mainly played by local actors of Afghanistan are also very good, with much praise going to Hameed Sheikh who may not have the biggest part in the film, but has one of my personal favourite characters in the film.
The directing of the film was pretty good, it does at some times feel a bit like a TV movie, but a good TV movie. David Whitney has certainly come from a TV background, but is certainly heading in the right direction to be a good feature director. The camera is still when it needs to be still and hectic when it needs to be hectic.
Overall the full film is pretty pacey, clocking in at 94 minutes, the time flies by and at no point does the film drag. If you get the chance, and enjoy a good solid drama, Kandahar Break is a film you should be watching.