Emotionally engaging, entertaining and inspirational.
Can't remember how many years has passed since I've enjoyed a HK movie. Firstly, the movie title Zero to Hero is aptly brilliant. Know from the start what you're in for - a biopic of underdog to wonderboy. Our hero So Wa Wai is Hong Kong's first gold medallist paralympian ... the theme for Chariots of Fire silently goes off playing in my head.
Watched with mum on Netflix today. I cried from start to end, whilst mum cried only in one scene when the hero puts a gold medal over his mother's neck.
Acting is so convincing that one would think if all three newbie actors of different ages portraying the hero are actually handicapped or not. The young child, the school kid and the adult all superbly showcase distinctive facial nuances, voice spasms and movement reflexes of a handicap. And please excuse me, I do not mean to call So Wa Wai a handicap. So Wa Wai is a hero.
HK has always performed well in paralympics. I wish for HKSAR govt to support paralympians even more with the success of this movie bringing to forefront the struggles of paralympians and athletes.
Brilliant! I love it.