When looking at the large plethora of animated TV series in the 1960's and 70's, it's actually quite hard for one to find a worthwhile cartoon that is actually brilliant. Animation had originally fully blossomed in the 30's, with great cartoon series like the Loony Toons, Merrie Melodies, Popeye the Sailor, Betty Boop, etc. Back then, animation was admirable: smooth, action-packed, and very well drawn. Then the 50's and 60's came around, and cheap cartoon shows became the norm. Popeye the Sailor got wrecked in the pitiful TV series of the same name, and Hanna Barbara with their cheap animated shows changed the face of everything forever. Cartoons were no longer really good - something that continued for several decades. Even shows like "Scooby Doo! Where Are You?" which were entertaining in plot had cheap designs and lackluster animation.
"Fraidy Cat" is not an especially outstanding show in the typical poor design, and one that had such a short run-time it is nearly never acknowledged in cartoon history. Only twelve episodes were made (six more were written that appear in IMDb's episodes list, but were never created). Of those twelve episodes, I've seen nine at least - 75% of the show's output, and they're not bad to watch. The premise is original, as it deals with a literal 'Fraidy Cat' who has already used up eight of his lives, each of which appears to him as a ghost whenever he says a number. The ninth life is a puff of smoke that tries to kill him.
Overall, despite the animation as usual being cheap and stiff, "Fraidy Cat" is another fairly enjoyable vintage cartoon. Granted, it's pretty immature and stupid at times, but the idea is original enough to make it work, and the situations in each episode are comical. Not a brilliant show and understandable that it ran only twelve episodes, but enjoyable lighthearted fun.