An HBO documentary that I had the pleasure of seeing at the Provincetown film festival. It covers the infamous case of the elderly woman who spilled McDonald's coffee on her lap--and sued and won a large amount of money. Everybody thought that was ridiculous--but this doc shows horrific pictures of how badly she was burnt. The poor woman needed skin grafts! McDonalds tried to cover it up though. Then it goes on to show other cases where corporations made critical mistakes and refused to take responsibility for them. There is the woman who was carrying twin babies and was falsely told that each was fine--when it was clear through ultrasound that only one baby was OK--the other was born with severe mental problems. There's the lawyer who looses his seat in a state supreme court because he refuses to side with big business. Then there's the woman who was brutally gang-raped due to the company lying to her and blaming HER for the crime! This documentary had me livid at the end. Some people have said not all the information in this was not true...but there's more than enough in there that IS true to horrify anyone. Maddening but important. I give it a 10.