I'd heard of The Breach back in 2022 and certainly found the basic premise to be intriguing. A small town police chief (played by Alan Hawco) is investigating the apparent death of a former CERN physicist after a corpse is discovered upon a drifting boat. As he explores the man's remote home, he makes horrific discoveries about his experiments...
Written by Nick Cutter of The Troop fame, with clear Lovecraftian influences, the story is solid and sets up a nice mystery. The effects are mostly well executed (though, please, can horror films reduce their use of smoke machines?), the creature designs are suitably detailed and revolting, Hawco is cleary charming in the lead and the film is brave enough not to bombard the viewer with gore from the start. It is, however, not without its problems, some minor, others not so minor. The film would have benefitted from more focus on the central mystery and trying to build more intrigue around it. Whilst the pacing is reliable throughout, it doesn't create the energy and haste needed during its finale. And, probably my biggest complaint is the ending: it's too predictable and left me feeling dissatisfied. I think they could have been braver without some of their choices in final act.
I do feel it is necessary, however, to point out that it maintained my interest for 90 minutes, didn't decide to draw itself out for a wholly unnecessary 2-plus hours and, for an indie production, it looks excellent. Worthy of a rental for horror fans.