Written and directed by R. J. Daniel Hanna, the movie follows Chris (Brendan Bradley), a separated new father, creating an account on a dating app and finding himself lured by a mysterious girl he matched with named Adra (Rachel Cook).
Succubus is a movie that has a decent beginning where what is seen is mostly through the screen as the protagonist is video calling with his best friend while swiping right on the dating app. You can feel where the story is heading as he comes across Rachel Cook's profile. A profile that screams scam in every single way where to proceed would require a suspension of logic and sense, but nonetheless she is real, and from then on strange things start to happen. Brendan Bradley is good playing the struggling father, and Ron Perlman as Dr. Orion Zephyr is definitely a strong presence on the film. However, the story loses its steam in the second half where the turn of events departs from what came before and goes for the paranormal. It is one of those cases where it probably would have worked better if the story never left the initial setting and the realm of the real.
It could be said the movie is an allegory for monogamy since many times the decisions the protagonist takes, ultimately putting himself in danger, are always related to finding the fulfillment of desire outside matrimony. It would seem Succubus is preaching that pleasure should only be sought between monogamous normative relationships, and everything outside its realms is deemed a one-way path to doomland. In any case, it is a movie with a good idea that sadly was not translated to the screen.