Swept Up By Christmas presents a romantic Christmas story told intelligently, with mature characters, each with his or her own issues to resolve. While the story line is familiar to Hallmark viewers, and the resolution of the issues involved is predictable, there are features of this film that serve recognition. For one, the leading characters are mature, successful adults, each in his and her professional careers. While they seem to have a history that renders them abrasive to one another at the start, a mutual work project offers them a second opportunity to slowly resolve those issues. Additionally, there are serious and interesting people around them. The project that brings them together involves the closing of an estate and bringing its contents to auction. This process is beautifully presented. The furnishings and genuine dignity of the manor is breathtaking. There are tangential relationships to be explored and developed, including one of a disabled war veteran who clearly falls in love with a very appealing young woman. Another involves an aging father who needs to resolve his relationship with his estranged daughter.
Of course, this being a Hallmark movie, all these problems come to a happy and gratifying end. The leading couple also find their true feelings and move on to a future together.
However positive all these aspects of the movie are, one issue was so distracting and noticeable that it kept this viewer from staying focussed on the film. The beautiful and very talented Lindy Booth appears to have lost so much weight,she seems to be either ill or anorexic. She has been in many Hallmark movies, looking healthy and vital, and appropriate. But in this film, she looks frighteningly thin. One hopes she is well. and one hopes, further, that she is not attempting to stay this thin in order to appear younger. Her physical appearance in this movie was startling and worrisome.
This is an intelligent, mature Christmas film and deserves watching.