I've been rewatching episodes of this cartoon recently and I was surprised at how good it is and above my expectations. In the 2000s, Fábio Yabu (who created the classic webcomic Combo Rangers) worked on a series of children's books called Princesses of the Sea. I never saw the books as a child, but I followed the website when I was younger until I saw this animation. This was a co-production between Brazil, Spain and Australia, the series presents an interesting concept about an underwater world of royal families of people who are sovereigns of each maritime species, having a certain inspiration in Japanese characters from Shoujo manga (quite notable for the characters' eyes and the fact that the creator himself was a big fan of Sailor Moon). For a Brazilian cartoon that came out between 2007 and 2009, the series has interesting animation, scripts and characters, it's something on the level of Turma da Mônica and Sitio do Picapau Amarelo 2012. Despite being a cartoon for children, it has an interesting lore, the trio of protagonists Polvina, Ester and Tubarina feel a lot like the Powerpuff Girls and it's one of those cartoons that can be enjoyed by boys even though most of the characters are girls. Unfortunately this is a very underrated cartoon, it surpasses many Brazilian cartoons that I have seen in the last decade that just try to be rip-offs from American cartoons with unnecessary pop culture references.