This is another of those wraparound story with archive sex scene footage films made by Twilight Entertainment in the early 00's, along with "Indecent Disclosure" and "Insatiable Coeds" to name a couple others. Unlike the recent rash of films like this from MRG Entertainment, the wraparound story contains no sex scenes despite using a couple of actresses with softcore experience, and the wraparound story segments are always rather brief, sometimes as little as one short sentence between sex scenes. Thus, you essentially get wall to wall 90's softcore sex scenes.
Plot: Pleasant, but thread bare. Click on the plot summary link, there's nothing else to it. However, many of the inserted sex scenes from archive footage include some dialogue from the characters before and/or after the sex, and this film was well written to make the dialogue in the wraparound story match the clips being introduced. Props for that.
Acting: Very good in the wraparound story, although each actress only has to hit one note. The one credited actor in the wraparound story is actually a production assistant who gets a on screen cameo with a couple of brief lines. The acting in the inserted sex clips varies in quality.
Women: The girls in the wraparound story keep their clothes on. In the sex scenes, you get a wide variety of beautiful women.
Sex Scenes: Lots of them, ranging from poor to quite good, but most of them are in the fair to average range. And since these are all clips from 90's softcore, there's not much variety, except getting different actors/actresses. All the scenes are male/female with loud music... no oral or girl on girl or threesomes or moaning and groaning, etc. The only exception is one odd scene where there's no nudity, but the sex is rather rough and you really hear the sounds of rough sex. Also, in keeping with the theme of office sex, all the sex scenes are set in offices or other types of work environments as opposed to the typical bedroom and living room scenes.
Overall... short and sweet wraparound story introducing wall to wall below average 90's softcore sex clips.