A quirky comedy, I was really impressed with Kimura Yoshino. She portrayed her introverted character very well, and there were funny scenes here and there with her clumsiness, but I just wasn't feeling it. I absolutely did not connect with the characters. The natural creepiness of Yoshiyoshi was perfect for this role, and although I enjoyed seeing him in many movies and TV shows and he was pretty funny in this movie, I don't believe for a second that he has what it takes to be in the leading role. And of course, quirky movies like this never has a strong storyline. I guess it's a love-or-hate movie that just didn't work for me.
I really liked the message in this movie though, that life is not all about money or success, and it's fine to just be yourself. I have enjoyed Kimura Yoshino's acting before, and I love it even more now. Definitely looking forward to see more of her movies in the future.