Finally something that actually looks BOLLYWOOD!! Rekha, Rishi Kapoor and Hema Malini, delight to watch the legendary actors giving their best as always...
Veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha's son Luv Sinha fits his role as a MA Kan lad la. However he is unprepared as an actor and comes across wooden. He does a little better in the intense scenes later in the film.
Unlike her co-star Luv, Ferena shows a natural flair for comedy and drama, be it the scenes where she is pretending to be a blind girl,meeting his mother Rekha for the first time or begging him to run away with her. She is a very natural performer. A little grooming and attention to her make-up and wardrobe and she will go very far.
Music could have been better..
Raj Kanwar who in the past has made some very successful melodramas,induces great dignity into the tussle between the modern day Devaki and Yashodhara.