What the heck was that? Messy, hyperbolic, and porny. Despite all the known facts about Caravaggio and his kinks, he really did not deserve this. This is not your usual family watch. LOL. Why all those overstretched, explicit scenes? We got the memo, but anyway. Who cares? Total caricature. Lack of seriousness, lack of any attempt at least some form of introspection and real context, lack of everything. Consult with historians! Come on, Giuseppe! Don´t make niche, "artsy" movies for 8 nerdy folks in Calabria; broaden your audience. There is no way that any teacher with a sound mind will recommend this to anyone. No doubt, individual actors have amazing potential, but you need to write a good script first for them first! And yes. Weird, smoky light. Hazy. Were there really no crisp colours in the 17th century? Doubt that. Also, costumes. Not pretty; low effort! So, kids, go and watch Ridley Scott´s Napoleon or Coppola´s Marie Antoinette instead.