This is a pretty good Japanese comedy although it doesn't put much emphasis on the humor aspect. For those that understand Japanese humor will be right at home with this one and chuckle or even laugh few times through this movie. Some Japanese people are known for really liking their idols and even collect a lot of the idols products and visit their idols fan sites a lot. But in this case the plot shows 5 fans with different personalities of a idol named Kisaragi Miki getting together for a memorial meeting. After the suicide of their idol a year later and most of this film takes place in a room with imaginations floating around suck as speculations if their idol really committed suicide and such for the 5 characters in the room. This movie wouldn't have been all that good, but the way it's set up makes the film entertaining to watch and because it's crafted very well. Despite the characters hardly having any proof with their conclusions, it was interesting to watch the pieces connect in a strange and yet in a way where it grabs the attention. And how those ideas fit the characters personality. This movie starts off a bit slow with the introduction of the characters and their personality. But when it the entertaining and intriguing parts kick in, it's that way most of the way through. I also found it funny how the 5 characters are all dressed in suits most of the way through and it slightly reminded me of "Reservoir Dogs" because of the way they act amongst each other, well sort of. Overall despite not having a lot of set pieces most of the way through or a lot of stuff going on, this is still a intriguing movie for the most part...Especially the way it reveals the characters ideas bit by bit and as the story unfolds.