My friends serching the fleemarket for low budget movies en core, a subnoxious, hide and seek thriller hovering over the topic of the american human meat market, or human trafficking said in a more civilized manner.
A little slow at first, but as you head on into the arachnoidic meshwork of the criminal underworld, you will be rewarded for your patience, and a few really good shock jolts youll have too, but the heavy weightest motion of emotions though is revenge, relentless revenge and female human fury at its most shivering and shattering level. There will be blood i heard somebody say, and cheving shaving blades like candy is the smallest challenge for this searching pandora, with a box filled with surprises.
I do love the filmatographic efforts , the glow and sharpedged lightsettings do lead you into the matter.even though there are some sound wrecked moments here and there its a high quality product for such a low budget movie.
Actress in the lead do good, wouldnt like to do the rumba tet a tet with her in the shadows of the dark, great pick and do act very credible. Story and plot has been done similarly in many other flicks but a surprise this was for the grumpy old man. Some gore and raw violence there are so if youre nifty about that then be aware. For the rest of you lot its a recommend.