This will mean a lot more to certain people than it will to others. If you have lived through an experience like the main characters are going through - you will understand. There is a heavy message, not even hidden in the movie. And the actors are doing their best to put it on screen.
It is three stories of sorts that are being told. And all have their shades of grey in them ... there are scenes that are quite crystal clear too of course. Like a party scene, where you can literally feel the anxiety and the stress our younger heroine has to go through ... some of it may be in her head ... doesn't make it easier to endure. For her or for us - even if we are just watching the scene unfold.
There are things that are thrown into your face and there are other things that are way more subtle than that. And then there are scenes that will shock and maybe haunt you. This is not just a drama ... it is horror too. Everyday horror but also ... something different. If you can't put your finger on it ... you try to explain it ... that can work or not ... the movie does try to put a lot in it ... and tries to convey a message ... one that needs to be said and told ... unfortunately it loses focus on more than one occasion ... and while the ending could and almost is a punch in the gut (in a "good" sense) ... some of the impact has been soften by all the extra noise woven into it ... still a decent effort to say the least ... and again, will work for some more than for others.