The movie fell short. It's one of those movies that leaves you thinking "could have been... but wasn't".
The movie is about three people in a boat with a dead motor in the middle of the sea. Things start going wrong, and Jess doesn't know who to trust: her new boyfriend? Or the other girl?
One thing that I found disturbing was all the yelling and shouting. It was like watching a horror movie that was commissioned to a highschooler for summer project: everybody is yelling, and the actual acting part is super shallow. Now, I found Ella-Rae Smith acting actually spot on. I can't say the same for her colleagues; they didn't seem to believe in their characters themselves.
The movie would have been more enjoyable, and to be taken more seriously, with more psychological tension (and some good "scary" silence).
The other thing is the plot itself. I think that some more work could have been done to make it more interesting, because "I just want to know what you did" isn't that strong as a motive. Also, some moments weren't that plausible.
I enjoyed the movie on a lazy Saturday while cleaning the house. All the yelling helped boost my cleaning mood... I don't think it's the kind of movie I'd sit down to actually focus on intensively. Because then, I'd most likely notice more implausible things... Yeah, it's a movie that could have definitely been better.