I've spoken in the past about being a big fan of Australian horror movies. Some of my all time favourites have come from this country. So it's a little disappointing that the last two Australian horror movies I've watched ('Run Rabbit Run' and 'Talk to Me') have been a bit of a let down. The latter was nowhere near as big of a let down as the former to be fair. There were parts of this film I liked, but overall it didn't quite hit the right spots.
I'm finding possession films less and less scary with every year that goes by. I find that as soon as you see the ghosts/demons it's just too hard to believe (even though the make-up work in 'Talk to Me' was very well done). The only time it really works for me any more is in films like 'Paranormal Activity' where you rarely actually see anything. Seeing less will always be more in this circumstance.
So I didn't find the film overly scary, and then all I really have to fall back on is the characters. Sadly we've reached a point where the only way to write realistic teenage characters any more is to make them extremely unpleasant. If they were all overly nice it wouldn't feel like they were properly written, yet if they are particularly unpleasant then it isn't much fun to watch them. It's a real predicament that the horror genre has and I don't know the way around it.
I will say that the ghosts/demons were done in such a way that if that is the kind of thing that scares you I could see this movie being very effective and creepy. Otherwise though, you might be fresh out of luck with this one. 6/10.