I couldn't help but think that this film is an attempt to cram as many cringey cliches (which even Hollywood has long since abandoned) into one production as possible. The movie just feels like a parody, where everything is said and done just for the sake of recreating what you once saw in another, better film.
The editing is outright nauseating - just pay attention to the amount of cuts in any scene.
While the CGI is terrible (just look at the skydiving scene with the pasted-in faces), thankfully there's not too much of it.
The music is nice at times, but leaves you absolutely exhausted as it NEVER stops. Not for one solid minute. One of the numerous strange choices in this film.
This movie's biggest problem is probably its writing. You keep asking yourself "Who is this?" There are like 5 attractive young women with a ponytail who look identical in this film.
Everything is all over the place.