ANCHORWOMAN is a reality TV series showing what happens when a small Texas television station wanting to increase its ratings hires Lauren Jones, a stunningly beautiful bikini model, to report the news.
People want to know, does ANCHORWOMAN show life as it really is? The answer is YES! Right or wrong, in the first two episodes of ANCHORWOMAN, reality is what we see.
ANCHORWOMAN shows the grown-up world as it really is. The males "light up like a Christmas tree" when a stunningly beautiful female is in the room. More energy. More smiles. More laughter. ALL of the heterosexual males act different including the big bosses.
If an average looking female enters the room, the big bosses remain glued to their chairs and their facial expressions and energy level are unchanged. Night and day.
I have worked at offices with male bosses, average looking female workers and some stunningly attractive female workers and have seen it all a thousand times. ANCHORWOMAN is real life.
Average looking females will sometimes come up with some great winning ideas, but they still don't receive a show of personal energy from the male bosses. Worse, the average females see it when a stunning beauty comes in with a smaller accomplishment such as, "I found the missing box of paper clips," and then receive the smiles and personal energy.
Stunning supermodels have a slightly privileged, over-confident type personality. We see that too in ANCHORWOMAN -- a show that puts the REAL in reality.