This is a sweet little indie film about the friendship between a British soldier and a young Israeli boy. When I first saw Alfred Molina, I said to myself, "I've seen this guy in a bunch of stuff before." I checked his IMDb profile and was flabbergasted by just how many films and tv shows he's appeared in. Just looking at the number of productions he's been involved in since 2020 is incredible.
The Little Traitor take place in Israel just after the Second World War and before the country was recognized by the rest of the world. The English were stationed there to help keep the peace. A young boy Proffy (Ido Port) hangs out with two friends who have their own little brotherhood of English-hating kids. One day, Proffy is out on the streets after curfew and is nabbed by a kindly English soldier Dunlop (Molina). He escorts him home and lets him go with a warning. The two become fast friends and Proffy spends with Dunlop at the officer's club almost every afternoon.
The two learn about each other's cultures and Dunlop acts as sort of a big brother to Proffy. When it's brought to the attention of the local Jewish authorities that he's been flirting with the enemy, Proffy's brought before a tribunal and is questioned. It's just one of the many adventures he encounters in this excellent movie.
I really enjoyed this film. The two lead characters felt so natural together. And it's always nice to watch a film where nothing horrible happens. If you're looking for a pleasant film the whole family will enjoy, don't miss this gem. To see more of y reviews, check out moviejunkiemark. It's on blogspot.