Us Charles Bronson fans of course know him as a tough guy and for playing right-wing characters beginning with "Death Wish". But this 1959 episode of his TV series has him quite convincingly voicing the cause of civic responsibility as he aids an assistant district attorney in a murder case against a racketeer.
Well-cast Jimmy Lydon is the witness who can put the mobster in the elctric chair, but at the last minute he doesn't want to testify, afraid for his life and to obey the wishes of his worried wife. Chuck not only lectures him on the importance of him testifying to protect the entire community, but when Lydon is seriously injured in an assassination attempt on his life Chuck offers himself up as human bait to foil the bad guys.
Early in his career Gavin MacLeod, so well-known for his subsequent comedy roles on "Love Boat" and "Mary Tyler Moore" is quite convincing as the bad guy confronting Bronson. Also against type is Bronson reciting bedtime stories to Jimmy's daughter (cute little Tracy Stratford) to help her fall asleep.