I cannot believe that this series stayed on so long.
The Hardy Boy/Nancy Drew episodes alternated some episodes with the Hardy Boys, some with Nancy Drew and in some of the episodes they work together.
In this episode Nancy drives her father's car after dropping him off at the airport. She gets lost in the city on the way back, turns into an alley and a man runs in front of her father's car and she hits him. Two man run out of a building and call an ambulance for the man and one man identifies himself as a policeman and takes her to a hotel to stay for the night.
The next day she goes to the police station to file a report as to what happened. Now we all know that Nancy is not stupid.
The police tell her there is not such cop by that name. A man watching her identifies himself as a cop and she falls for that to. He takes her to where she hit the man that went in the ambulance injured.
Unbelievable 1. Nancy describes the scene to him, there is no sign of a accident, no skid marks and her father's car that was wrecked in the front is parked undamaged. The criminal/fake cop did this to make Nancy think she imagined it. It did not work for her and it did not work for me.
2. The man that got hit who is a boxer is kept prisoner somewhere and Nancy is taken there as a prisoner. He tells her he was tortured and would not give in. He sitting on the ground with a white straight jacket on, clean as a can be, no marks on his face, his hair is not messed, his pants is spotless for someone who got hit by a car. He gets rescued by a stranger that had followed Nancy. Before they run off from their captives he takes time to put on his jacket, even though they are with killers and might be killed.
This whole episode was so fake it is unbelievable how they think we can enjoy it.