Dog's life is one of those bad games that you probably love, and I'm not saying that to criticize it, but rather that it has many flaws, but still manages to be a fun game.
The game is, from start to finish, very simple, stupid and self-deprecating. I'd say that its self-awareness is what makes it so enjoyable to play, and not just another generic children's game that you'd hate to play when you're older.
Dog's life is rich in detail, from miss peaches' bizarre interviews on radio programs, to the subtle jokes in the characters' dialogues, which shows that the developers really wanted to make a great joke. Unfortunately, not all of the game are like this and you will soon find yourself tired of having to do stupid missions that lead nowhere most of the time. However, you still have plenty of freedom to do whatever you want with the scenarie and NPCs.
The the game lacks a lot in terms of graphics, especially in the appearance of the characters. The dogs, on the other hand, are quite polished, and Jake in particular has a very expressive face in several scenes.
Another problem for me is the controls. Moving jake around in tight places is a pain in the ass. Throwing objects correctly isn't very intuitive and even picking up objects on the ground can be a challenge. Not even jumping escapes this, and to make matters worse the game has a lot of platforms. All of this gets in the way of the gameplay, not to mention the bugs that occurred to me once in the goose part, where the dog that was supposed to give me back the bone got stuck in a plate and I had to redo the stage again (I didn't).
The songs, on the other hand, are a good point. They all have their charm and you'll probably remember most of them. My favorite is Park Guitarist 4, which plays in the credits I think.
In short, you may get tired of the somewhat repetitive gameplay, but I guarantee you won't get tired of the songs.
Dog's Life is a game that marked my childhood, I never finished it until recently and I'd say it's an enjoyable experience, full of fun and self awareness. It's not one of those "must play", but I really recommend playing with your friends to laugh for one or two hours.