"Frosty the Snoman" is an odd little curio from the 1950s that I found on YouTube. Apparently, some music production company wanted to promote the song "Frosty the Snowman" and commissioned UPA to create this three minute promotional film. It's very bouncy and good considering it only cost $7000 to make. As for the animation, it's enjoyable but very primitive and simple...the sort of stuff UPA was known for and the best you could get for the money they were willing to pay! Don't expect MGM or Looney Tunes or Disney quality animation here...but working with these better studios would simply have been prohibitively expensive and this simple black & white animation is not bad and serve its purpose. Not exactly brilliant and nothing like the lovely 1969 cartoon version...which had a lot of story as well as the song. Here in the 1951 version, it's basically a music video.