Sometimes it happens that you switch on the telly and you fall into a film which began five minutes ago - and although you have no idea what this film is about or where it will lead, you just can't stop watching because the actors and their characters keep you prisoner. This happened to me this Saturday lunch time.
If someone tells you simply the story line in one sentence, "there's a boy who is about 11 who meets a new classmate who is big and fat and no one likes him, and that fat boy forces the first boy to be friends with him while the first boy actually would like to be friends with the class bully, and has a mother who suffers from agoraphobia and the fat boy's father is a drunk who works as a rude Father Christmas"- well, then you probably would think, erm, no thanks, not for me, too weird. But this weird story works brilliantly.
Both boy actors are great, very natural, good acting for their age, some adults could learn a thing or two from them; good acting equally from mother, father, teacher and other children from school. There is something about Scandinavian films, that you rarely find in other films, and I can't quite find the right words to describe it. They have a way to present the quirkiest story as if it could happen to you any time. And that makes it magically good and you want more like it.
Also look out for the actor who plays the teacher, Andreas Cappelen, in Monstertorsdag, another weird film, yet for an entirely adult audience.
This film here deserves a clear 9 out of 10.