The subjects of this series are overprivileged girls from well-to-do families who think they are entitled to the party of a lifetime simply because they turn 16. What I noticed right away is that while their parents have given them any material thing they want, the parents failed in a more serious way. They failed to teach these girls about manners and how to treat people, as well as to appreciate what they have. This combination has reared some rude, conceited, bitchy girls who believe the world revolves around them. These girls think we all really care about their parties and that we're jealous of them. Yeah, right. What is sad is that there are some decent kids out there who get good grades in school, treat their parents with respect, and are good people. Their parents would love to give them a party like the ones on this show, but don't have the money or resources. They don't act as if it is their birthright like the girls on this show. It just goes to show that money can buy a lot of things, but it can't buy class.