The very lack of comments and the neutral rating for this movie should be an indication to you that it's worth seeing. People are probably too shocked or stupefied by its content to even bother seeing the whole thing, and if they do stick with it, they are probably too disturbed to say anything. This movie is authentic: it uses either actual STASI tapes, or recreations using actual artifacts, such as rooms, furniture, etc. The most disturbing aspect is the behavior of the people being interrogated and asked to rat out other people. They are all resigned, very shut-down, and seem hunched over and ashamed. Every household had a STASI file, and everyone knew the name of their section chief if they felt they should report something. Of course, it makes you wonder what kind of surveillance we are under NOW. Not exactly a feel-good movie but totally real and quite shocking. I had no problem sitting through it, and I'm fidgety and easily bored by nature.