Extraordinary film with great humor and witty conversations. I was swept of my feet before the first 5 minutes were over. Yes, the movie is very funny - I had tears in my eyes from laughing - but sometimes the tears that had started from laughter, remained to be there because of the sadness of Simon's illness...
It's pace is quite fast, it's very difficult to get bored in viewing it. The play of lead actor Cees Geel is excellent, as viewer you fall in love with this guy from the start and won't be disappointed about him as the movie proceeds. He plays a very humorous and positive guy, who's a bit macho, but also very sweet. People around him are regularly been given a big smile on their faces.
But also Marcel Hensema is playing very convincingly as the gay Camiel who's studying to become a dentist. He's a bit more introvert than Simon, but he and Simon fit well together in both fun and conversations on life's issues and become very close friends.
I guess the movie is filled with typically Dutch issues. The nudeness and joints are all over the screen, but also the way conversations are held on being gay (Camiel) and how to deal with Cancer (Simon) could be seen as open-minded (or controversial?) Dutch.
All and all I found this movie highly entertaining while it touched some heavy emotions at the same time.