In the Spring of 2013, my husband and I started watching this series on Netflix. Actually, I started watching it after a co-worker showed me a few scenes on You Tube and my husband got sucked in listening to me howling with laughter.
The characters are well thought out and if not always likable, certainly realistic and gritty.
We watched the final episode last night, and I wanted to cry - just because I know how much I will miss watching Tommy Gavin and the brothers of Ladder 62.
Some episodes were darker than others, and some so downright funny and outrageous.....I already miss watching fact, I may actually start all over again as it is worth watching a 2nd time.
Yes, it can be raunchy and outrageous, but it was honestly one of the best series I've ever watched - it started out strong and kept at the same level till the bitter end.
All I can say is if you haven't watched it, run, don't walk to your TV!