Let me just start out by saying that in no way shape or form is this movie noteworthy of anything good...except one small thing. Its the only movie where I have seen the Lochness Monster, Frankenstein, Mummy, Zombies, a three headed dragon, Vampires, AND werewolf all in the same flick. If you consider the fact that all of these things are in one movie you would think it would have to be sweet.
Unfortunately, its far from the truth. The only reason I watched this movie is because I work in a video store and I like watching all of the movies that are campy and cheaply made because they are fun to watch. Even on the special features they rip on their own movie. \ "The actors we had were basically volunteers and we worked with virtually no budget." That was what the director said during commentary.
The actors and actresses in the movie had about as much talent as my left shoe. They used about as much emotion as Stephan Hawking does with his voice box. The effects are horrible. I could do a better job with the "fire" they used with a lighter and a roll of toilet paper, which is funny because toilet paper was the first thing I reached for when this movie was over.
I don't know if it was a sequel to something, but there were so many plot holes I thought I just turned the movie on halfway and was deaf. I mean, its so bad that SCI FI CHANNEL originally planned it to be a series on the network, but in the end they scrapped the plan and told them to make it into a movie. Good idea. I thank you Sci Fi channel. You spared me an hour and a half of my life I could use scratching myself or holding my breath until I passed out. I will say this though...watching it is something you should do in life. I know, hypocritical to say since I just ripped this movie apart, but let me finish. When you watch this you will feel much better about yourself. You will feel like you can achieve anything in life and all your dreams will come true. If someone can make this and actually have somebody to back it up enough to put in on a DVD and sell the thing, you can be king of France if you really tried. I hope this served as a nice insight on one of the worst movies I have ever seen.