They came from somewhere else is one of the truly groundbreaking alternative comedy shows from the early 80s, when alternative comedy was something new. The series concerns surreal goings on in a small town with a secret. As the other reviewer stated, we are treated to killer prawns in the sewers, raining liver, tinned crabs cutting themselves out of tins, all kinds of really weird stuff.
I have seen this recently again, and I can confirm that it is as funny now as it was back in the early 80s. It hasn't aged at all.
I actually contacted C4 to see if there was any plans to release this and they said no.
I was also a bit concerned that this might have suffered from junking as so much television has. I contacted C4 to ask if they still have a copy in their archives and they were unable to confirm this. So if it was chucked in a skip at some point then we definitely wont get a DVD release.
Definitely worth watching if you can track down a copy of this rare and essential comedy show.