Cory Lodge, is a producer/scam artist who gets a local mobster to pony up 500 thousand for a new reality show (he wanted one million, but the made man said he'd pick up production costs, much to the chagrin of Cory). Cory chooses to film this pay-per-view uncensored reality show on the haunted Pirate Islands, which needless to say is a bad mistake and the whiny, bitchy contestants (a group consisting of regular contestants and 'celebrities' such as Ivy Supersonic, Pornstar Gina Lynn, the Jerky Boys' Kamal Ahmed, & the Naked Cowboy among others) start getting picked off one by one.
This horror-comedy is neither funny nor frightening in the least. I thought i'd at least gleam some small entertainment from seeing a few z-grade has been/never were stars, but that too was a let down as most of them get such little screen time. The storyline doesn't really go anywhere and just kind of peters out. I can't recommend this snore-fest & see by the lack of reviews on the film that I might be just one of the very few gullible fools who actually rented/watched it.
Eye Candy: Gina Lynn, & 9 unknown actresses/ extras get topless, one shows her ass
My Grade: D-
DVD Extras: 2 featurettes (Girls of Survive This & Jill n Gina); Production footage; and 24 deleted scenes *both the Girls of Survive this & some of the deleted scenes have more nudity*