Popetown is extremely clear to get people talking. Firstly most of the show is a mix of 3D rendered environments of a town, maybe because it would have been a pain to hand drawn them and the actual 2D animation of the characters, which are quickly drawn and animated. Maybe trying to pioneer a mix between the two rendering styles, which looks tacked on, sloppy and don't match, so it doesn't impress anyways. What does anyone do? Make the show really reach the idea that the media are talking about it, saying how controversial it is, get it banned and have such a tagline anyways, maybe to make more sales and this is what exactly Popetown does..It really reaches to a height that it just begs to get noticed considering the animation and rendering techniques are all tackled on together.
Story wise, all the characters are there. Does tell a story, a predictable story and gives episodes to justify its point and it is interesting in a way that the cartoon does try to prove a point. The characters at least are something to make Popetown worth the watch. Nice to know as there's been animations of this quality that have been fall out awful but I think you'll find that the lawd presentation helps the character stand out a bit and gets away with trying to fight the production value anyone would expect to a set of characters who people expect to have loads of value but with the media sometimes giving them the value many feel they don't live up too.