So anyway you know that song off what's-her-name Patsy Cline going I keep on walking after midnight so darling hold me tight don't make me cry over you or something that the point is I did cry and it was over this movie was really stupid when and you wouldn't expect the stupid movie to come from the great actor Lon Chaney that you love so much the person you love so much whom you love so much especially for his great scary movie performances and you do expect the best out of such a fellow yes sir you want to be excited to be blown away by by excitement it's incredible that this movie was incredibly stupid and why for God's sake with your try to put together a movie which was Burgers wasn't worth it I don't understand it may be the descendants of Chaney said hey we want this movie to be fine and okay you have a new vampire thing going on at the deception game but it's not clearly don't you know it's a whole big problem because you don't see it the end what really happened because you don't it's not a reason that you said okay and you know I need some paperwork from the internet to understand really what happened to her it was really all stupid and most of it was boring my partner fell asleep and so did I and I would have loved to make love to my partner but I didn't the fortunately I watch this stupid movie it was meant to be scary movie with only scary thing about it was indeed the performance of the guy of Lon Chaney himself but it wasn't so interesting the movie wasn't great only interesting part was the with the teeth and the tooth and the everything of the main character who was also let us be serious here the bad guy yes let us just see it the way it was and that is all that I have to say about this movie I would rather see all the other movies of those brown and then this one I really did not like it and maybe it would have made a difference if you really side before the burning but then again what foreign idiots only keeps all the copies together at the same place to burn it onto your stupid m*********** an idiot so it doesn't make sense