I loved watching this series since it was shown on PBS during the 1980's. Marty Stouffer was an entertaining and knowledgeable host and narrator, whose love for nature and wildlife was a real asset to this wonderful documentary. The photography and inside look on animal behavior really made the series great. The only drawback was that the episodes were only a half hour, although they were made for PBS' noncommercial format, which permitted them to run the full time. Marlin Perkins' Wild Kingdom, another series similar to this one in format and content, was confined to 25 minutes per episode. However, I think an hour length is much better for a nature/wildlife series because the subject can be explored in depth.
All of the seasons of Wild America are currently available on DVD. Each episode is complete so you can watch them instead of the edited syndicated versions shown on TV. You will love this series if you have a great affection for nature and wildlife.