This film was a really interesting spin. Flicking through the channels, I found it, and the very next day I went out and bought the DVD. If you haven't seen it, it's well worth it. See it now
It isn't often that my home country comes out with a movie like this, but it does happen (The Castle, anyone?). It's about five AC/DC fans and their fanaticism, and a promise they make to each other, which they insist on keeping to each other years later
First off, the acting. The spotlight performance was easily Stephen Curry as Ben; he handled being the loser-percussionist-smartass to the furthest extent, and delivers some of the funniest (albeit cynical) lines of the movie. Ryan Johnson's Lloyd is a bit weird, but his actions speak louder than his words (seeing as half of them are swears) and he handles that all right. Damon Gameau as Sonnie seemed a bit flat at times, but in some scenes he overshone even Curry. Admittedly, Sam Worthington's Ronnie and Callan Mulvey's Sam received a bit less development than their friends, but both had their moments. The confrontation of the wheelchair group was entertaining to the last. There were a few interesting cameos along the way; Geoff Gallop, the Western Australia Premier as himself was a bit of a surprise. No one would be at all surprised to know that AC/DC also played themselves in this fan-fest, but a real shocker was the appearance of John Doyle (aka Roy, from Roy and HG) in his brief but hilarious appearance.
The script and directing were very satisfying. This sort of story has admittedly been done before, but the script was full of enough plot twists to keep one interested (who expected Jason Gann and Shaun Angus Hall to appear as a pair of obsessive, utterly misguided ACDC fans?) and Darren Ashton proved himself a very competent director. I look forward to seeing his future work
Most of the flashback scenes can bring tears of your laughter to your eyes; particularly those of Sonnie and Sam's past occupations. They really help the story flowing as they gave the characters more background, but didn't detract from the story by dwelling too much on them.The opening scene of the ACDC Tour Concert in '91 was also interesting, and set the scene really well. It took me a couple of times to watch it before I realised the significance of the hat, but that sort of thing makes you want to watch it again, to see if you missed much else.
In short, a great watch, and well worth picking up. If you are an ACDC fan, this film is a must. If you aren't, it's a should.