The first title, "The Grimm Adventures of Grimm and Mandy", is a great humorous Fantasy, and I love it because I love that genre. Some folks just don't get Fantasy, and they'll hate this. If you saw "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey", and didn't laugh out load every time you heard Death speak with an Italian accent, then a grim reaper ("Grimm", for short) with a Jamaican accent probably won't be your cup of tea -- move along. If you're not already comfortable with the ideas of alternate dimensions, brain sucking aliens, jumping into other peoples bodies, and stopping time, you'll be too busy asking stupid questions to get any of the jokes! If, on the other hand, the very mention of the evil and terrible Yog Sothoth still makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck, your disappointment at finding that he's merely a crashing bore will be tempered by the discovery that there is, indeed, still ONE thing that makes the Grimm Reaper himself tremble in fear -- his mom!!!
The second title "Evil...", is a pastiche of the 1960's superhero cartoons (such as "Underdog"). The villains were always the best part, and this has only villains, including the outrageous anti-hero, Hector Con Carne. Phil LaMarr's Hector is the funniest voice I've ever heard in a cartoon, yet the character's back-story, that comes though episode by episode, is well thought out, fascinating, and tragic.
This is all great stuff, that works great as a cartoon.