The Wackiest Wagon Train in the West is another movie that goes and stitches four episodes of a TV series together (which aired in 1973). Here, we have four episodes of Dusty's Trail, a western comedy that lasted only 26 episodes due to the fact that it was nothing but an attempt at rewriting the beloved Gilligan's Island in a different genre (even down to casting Bob Denver, who played the silly, yet lovable Gilligan, as Dusty).
Basically, this "movie", as it's called, takes four episodes and tries to tie them together, removing the laugh track. The episodes are Tomahawk Territory, Horse of Another Color, There Is Nothing Like a Dame, and The Not So Magnificent Seven. If you've seen Gilligan's Island, then you know this uses the exact same formula, as the wagon and stagecoach is lost because of Dusty's bumbling, and on its way to reunite with its wagon train, the plans are usually foiled by Dusty's bumbling. Also, the characters are the same archetypes of Gilligan's cast (The Brookhavens are basically the Howells, and wagonmaster Mr. Callahan is basically the same role as The Skipper, acting as Dusty's boss and big buddy). Despite the change in setting and era, it is clear why Dusty's Trail never got far, as it was blatantly Gilligan's island in the wild west with little to no changes to separate it from Gilligan, and this movie is possibly a failed attempt to try and revive the series (which obviously failed).