I think people should see this movie. It's a well made DV feature with a good story and really good acting. In the center of the film are it's three protagonists (Darla, Stevie, and Boy) and their relationships with abuse. A simple enough concept, an easy view, but what makes this movie special are two things: A) the abuse is never exploitive (See: Larry Clark's "Kids") and B) Although centered in reality there is enough cathartic visualization to distract the viewer. This also sort of works against the film in that when we get sucked into the reality of the story our hearts break, but when we see or hear something a little out of place we become slightly removed from the mythology the script had created. For example: when the trio are on the swing set and its pouring rain, as they swing higher and higher they scream louder and louder. This is a really nice visualization of Catharsis but it may be a little to arty for the gritty DV reality that are the lives of Darla, Stevie, and Boy. Another example (although much more palpatable): The Bonfire Scene. The trio throw into a bonfire that which binds them to their abuse. As a visual statement, it's very powerful, I just don't know that the Characters in this film would have that sort insight ; they seem smart enough to concoct a wonderfully clever rouse yet not smart enough to leave their respective situations...grant it that's kind of the point Dimarco is making: Abuse is not something easily walked away from. Steve Dimarco is also wonderful writer: "there are worse things a guy can put inside of you besides his cxxk"-Darla "Like what?"-Stevie "Like his thoughts"-Darla I just don't know that these characters would say these great lines. Maybe they would, I mean they did so obviously they 'would'. And these critiques are minor ones. I was really affected by this movie. I think it's a great calling card for future features from a brave new voice in Canadian Cinema. I hope Steve Dimarco is well funded and finds the perfect medium for his visual ideas. See this movie. Good Stuff.