About a year ago I switched to digital cable, with it came about 200 new channels. About a week later I ran into this odd looking show that had teenage kids in weird clothing and tattoos on their faces. I honestly didn't know what to think about the show, but after the first several episodes I was hooked (I started around the middle of the 3rd season) I have seen only the 3rd and 4th seasons, or series as they are called and I am addicted. I won't go as far as painting my face for em but I've considered it once or twice.
The thing that amazes me is that Cloud 9, the production group that makes The Tribe isn't the most well funded film company in the world. But they have used every last dollar (or whatever currency is used in New Zealand) they have to make this show so good. The cast (which most have appeared on Hercules and Xena, as well as the Power Rangers)is talented enough to give their character's personality. The sets are believable, the outfits are are amazing, and the fact that most of the actors are dulling down their heavy Aussie accents is impressive enough.
For those that haven't seen the show before are best to look at it like a Live Action Anime, not the ultra Kung-Fu kind, but the soap opera kind (Ranma,Chobits,etc.) It's a good show that pretty much makes gold from the budget of straw that they have. 10/10