This second installment lives up to the expectations created by the first series and by the novel itself - To Let. We meet again, with much pleasure, the magnificent cast of the first series (D. Lewis as Soames stands out) and discover the choices that have been made to cast the 4 new main characters : Fleur and Jon Forsyte, Prosper Profound, and Michael Mont. I found the 4 of them to be nearly-ideally suited to their part. May be the actor playing Jon lacked a little bit of brilliance, but he showed a lot of sensibility and looked a lot like his "mother", Irene. The story unfolds with relentlessness but there are also many moving, or funny moments. The films is really faithful to the tone of Galdsworthy and is, all in all, a magnificent achievement. it is as good as the first series, and may be even better. At the end of the 4th episode, we are really sorry to have to wait for the next episodes of the saga, and the lives of Fleur and Michael Mont. Highly recommended to fans of British top quality literary drama.