If every great journey has a hero, then this film has two. With theaters scrambling to keep up the popcorn for Hollywood's light summer fare, the more meaningful stories must no doubt be found through the festivals. I found one such film which i am again writing about in my own way. This film is called "The Innocents." I recommend it if you are in the mood for something meaningful. The story centers on two girls who partake on an adventure which takes them even further then they imagined. It is a story about friendship, family, and the discovery of being true to oneself - something we all could use a little more of in our lives. I won't give away any of the plot as I want not to spoil it for anyone wanting to see this film. I will say only that it is a story well told (by one of it's stars, Katherine Griffin, also the writer/director), and though it trickles a bit slow to start, the end leaves you with an impression as large and unpredictable as the grand canyon. Okay so that may be saying a lot about any film, but this one making the festival circuit is truly not to be missed. I only hope it finds its way into the grand Hollywood fare that is the pipeline for most ticket buyers movie going experience. And by the way, it does go very well with popcorn.