Originally shown on The Family Channel or ABC Family back in 2001, Da Mob was a take at Jamie Kennedy's slight obsessions with white wanna-be rappers in this hilarious cartoon. Kennedy, the voice of the main rapper of the group named Rooster, aptly named for his red mohawk resembling the crest of a rooster. The other two members, a roundish boy who was the beatbox and a vain Norweigian blonde guy who didn't seem to do too much. Rooster was really the only one out of the group that cared about "Da Mob" being popular. One of the best scenes of the series was when Rooster was becoming skeptical of ever having success. He goes into the bathroom where Tupac appears in the mirror and tells Rooster how terrible he is which leads Rooster to gain more confidence. I don't know how this show has gotten lost in the shuffle of great strange cartoons. I would love to see this on DVD one day.