I too have not seen this film since I was a teenager and I'm not going to go all out and call it a perfect film but I feel like it should be more of a "cult classic" than it is.
Shredder Orpheus is a retelling of the tale from Greek mythology where Orpheus sneaks down into Hades to reclaim his dead gf, Eurydice. Except this one is set in a dystopian (post apocalyptic?) future where everyone lives in a city of shipping crates except for the wealthy plutocrats who are connected to the government propaganda network.
I remember it having a great concept, some awesome costumes, a cool if dated techno/goth soundtrack and decent world-building given its low budget.
Drawbacks were mainly the acting abilities of the no-name cast and a story that only vaguely makes sense. I remember feeling like the climax of the film happens about 2/3 of the way into the tale and further story being somewhat pointless.
This film may qualify as a "vanity project", having been written, directed and starring... what's his name, Robert McGinley? But it's definitely watchable, more so than most films that qualify in that genre. I think he may have even done the music.
I'd recommend this to any fan of skateboard movies, techno/industrial/goth music and fashion, or anyone looking for a lost gem in the dystopian future genre.