So this anime was created in 1969 based on manga So this series is about a child named naoto given that he is an orphan Yes a classic that an orphan But he decided to abandon it they do it trofie because he wanted to be stronger than a tiger that's how was taken by a person who hastaken to the Tiger's Lair then it's a place that makes fighters become the Cruel killers so in Naoto he became Tiger Mask So he goes back to Japan to get another sum of money but then he betrayed the Tiger's Lair because I wanted to use the money to donate the poorpeople above all make it slutty So I tell you that the children have to, they don't make it snotty, they are not really all orphans But they had to leave their parents because they couldn't take care of them due to poverty and so he decided to donate all the money he has but he has betrayed LaTigers' Den and every fighter he sent had to kill the traitor but it's Tiger Mask he will stop him in any way this anime is truly beautiful and I'm very sorry that not all people review this one But if you don't know it I recommend it to look at itto conclude I vote 8.