This film begins with a young female motorcyclist named "Ako" (Akiko Wada) riding into an area of Tokyo known as Shenjuku. It's then, while stopping at a red light, that she encounters a group of motorcyclists who give her a hard time before riding off once she confronts them. Not long after that she gives a ride to a female hitchhiker named "Mei" (Meiko Kaji) who unexpectedly asks to get off in an obscure area not too far away. Curious as to why she would want to get off in such a desolate place, Ako watches from a distance as Mei joins several other young ladies and leads them into a fight against another female gang. At first, everything seems to be going fine for Mei's gang but then the tide of battle turns as the same men that harassed Ako suddenly appear and join Mei's opponents. Realizing that Mei and her gang are about to be seriously hurt, Ako rides into the fray and creates a diversion which allows everyone but Mei to scamper away. Then, with Mei on the back of her motorcycle, the two of them ride off as well. Not long after that, Ako learns that Mei's boyfriend "Michio Yagami" (Koji Wada) is in serious trouble with the same male gang that attacked Mei and gave Ako a hard time prior to that. So, once again, Ako gets involved--but this time the situation becomes even more dangerous than she could have imagined. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an entertaining action film which suffered somewhat from a couple of unrealistic scenes which would almost certainly never happen in a city as populated as Tokyo. But that's the motion-picture industry for you. Be that as it may, I enjoyed this film for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.